Myth: The Fallen Lords Jackson Knopfler Myth is a 3D strategy game full of action and explosions. In the single player game, you play as the Light, who are basically humans. The enemy are the Dark, led by the Fallen Lords, consisting of the Undead, through to Cave Spiders. There are about 25 missions in single player mode. You can view the battlefield from any angle but this can get really annoying messing with the viewer. Fighting the Fallen Lords by yourself is pretty great but it gets really great once you start taking on players across the Internet via Myth's free online service. contains several main chatrooms, where you can create a game, join an existing game, or just talk to other players about tactics. There is also a ranking system which takes place in all the ranked rooms. The first time you go on to you will be the Rank of One Dagger. As you progress you will go through ranks like Axes, Shield, Prince, Emperor, and if you get really good... a Comet, but that's unlikely because you have to get through 1500 other people first to get ranked No.I. The ranking system isn't totally fair - for example you might join someone's game, but the player who created the game can start it any time he wants, and if the other players aren't ready when he jump starts you can be in real trouble. On the other hand if you leave the game because you weren't ready to play, you lose points. Another thing that can happen is if you are playing 2v2 multiplayer, sometimes you may get really annoying partners that try and blow you up, even if you're on their team. You lose points for that as well. My advice is to stick to one map and get really good at it. Another tip is to try to host your own games where you will be less likely to get bandwidth lag - very helpful if you have an awful modem. 56k however is really the minimum these days for decent netplay. If you host a game, you get no lag, but if your enemies get loads and since your opposition can't move (because they are dying the death of a thousand lags), you can go straight into their base and kill them! ... assuming they didn't already leave in disgust because their lag was so bad. Although, now Myth 2: Soulblighter is coming out shortly and is definitely going to be a great game, Myth is still a definitive classic are worth buying, both for Mac and PC platforms - look for discounts! Jackson